Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Nauvoo details from Nauvoo Restoration Card Index file

Box 8, Lyon's Res[earch] Cards

Card #153: Upper River Steamers (1839)

  • Rosalie: St Louis to Keokuk, sometimes Quincy and Warsaw
  • Burlington: St Louis to Galena and Dubuque
  • A. M. Phillips: St Louis to Quincy and Warsaw
  • Knickerbocker: To Keokuk. Few sailings after July 20th
  • Ariel: Above rapids.
  • Robert Morris: St Louis, Quincy and Warsaw. First sailing Aug 22nd 1839.
  • Malta: St Louis, Galena and Dubuque.
  • Elk: St Louis, Quincy and Warsaw.
Card #154: 1842 St Louis Goods and Manufacturing and Trades
  • Umbrellas and Parasols
  • Ornamental Sign Painting
  • Nursery Stock
  • Looking glass and picture frame maker -- Georg Wool.
  • Tailors, 5.
  • Engravers on Wood--Robert Campbell, 5.
  • Architectural and Ornamental carver--John F. Thornton
  • Drapers--John G. Shelton (West of England cloths, cashmeres).
  • Saddleries and harness manufacturers, 6.
  • Druggists, 8.
  • Tailors, 3.
  • Hat and cap makers, 3.
  • Furniture makers, 3.
  • Jewelers, 3.
  • Match makers, 3.
  • Brush and broom manufacturers, 2.
  • Lawyers, 3.
  • Sheet-metal smiths, 4.
  • Paint and oil makers, 3.
  • Importers, 6.
  • Wood engravers, 2.
Card #159: Pre-Mormon Nauvoo
  • 1805: French Trader---"Monsieur Julien"---On a Spanish grant.
  • 1824: "Capt." James White. Sons were Alexander and Hugh. Isaac Campbell was his son-in-law. All were engaged in a Keel-boating business.
  • 1826: 18 or 20 families moved in. A Mr. Robinson moved in and was the first preacher and school teacher. George Y. Culter moved in. Named Venus 1829.
  • 1837: Commerce City laid out by Connecticut promoters.
  • 1838: John Gruwell, Postmaster at Commerce--1838. RJM
Card #160:
  • Botanical Medicinal Paliatives. Pine gum salve, Canker medicine, Senna tea, Raspberry leaf tea, Calomel, Camphor, Asafetida, Tanzy, Rhubarb root, Horehound, Peppermint, Sage, Flax-seed poultices.
Card #163: 
  • Colton's Brickyard, K 79, on SE corner of intersection. Tannery was next south of it, on east side of street. An advertisement for a Tannery on Hibbard and Rich Streets, "near Colton's Brickyard", was in N. Neighbor, April 23, 1845, also April 1, 1845.
Card #164:
  • Official Church Recorders--George W. Robinson, 1837-1840; Robert B. Thompson, 1840-1841; James Sloan, 1841-1843; Willard Richards, 1843; William Clayton, Assistant to Willard Richards. 
Card #165:
  • Some St Louis houses had shutters in 1835, 1840 The majority didn't. ... No advertisements for them in St Louis papers or directories up to 1846.
Card #166
  • Jan. 30 1841, Joseph Smith became Trustee in Trust for the Church, replacing Joseph and Emma, as husband and wife.
  • Wagons--Wheels, felloe, rims. // Running gear, skeins, hubs, standards, bolsters, X, brake rod, brake beam, brake blocks, reach, king pin.
  • Flat irons cast in one piece used in the 1840s.
  • 1839-1846: Hinges practically the same as still in use in 1900. Some japanned. Some had rivited [sic!] pins. Some where still being hand-forged--not of necessity, but some poeple wanted large, hand-wrought, rather than stamped by steel presses.
  • Japanned Rim Locks were sold in St Louis from 1835 to about 1890. 
  • 1840 + cast iron, black enameled boxes and door jam catches, sometimes highly embossed, were commonly used, utilizing the spring tumbler.
  • Keys were sometimes made of brass, but commonly were also cast iron, although some were steel.
  • Knobs--black, brown, white, walnut, porcelain, with square steel shank, with screw holes.
  • Mortise door locks, with spring tumblers.
Card #167
  • St Louis Mercantile Library Assn, 510 Locust Street, First National Bank Building, 6th floor, has St Louis Directories from 1831 and St Louis Catalogues ?. ...
  • St Louis, 1816, Pottery being made and sold by George W. Furgeson.
  • St Louis, 1817, Christian Smith was advertising pottery for sale.
  • 1842. The Bank of the State of Missouri at St Louis---only bank.
  • 1845. The Bank of the State of Missouri at St Louis still only bank---4 branches.
Card #172
  • 1836 Governor's Wages $1,000.00 (unchanged since 1818)
  • 1836 Carpenters $1.00 per day finishing statehouse at Vandalia.
  • 1839 Judges of the Supreme Court $1,500.00
  • 1843 Governor raised to $2,000.00
  • 1836 Secretary of State $600 per annum
  • 1836 Auditor of public accounts $700.00
  • 1836 State Treasurer $500.00
  • 1837 Night Watchman for State House (Vandalia) $2.50 per week
Card #173
  • Blacksmiths: Edwin D. Webb, Martin H. Peck, Jacob Shoemaker, Jonathan Browning, Warren Smith, John Lytle, Andrew Lytle.
  • The Messrs. Law have just raised the frame of a large building, to be occupied, when finished. (Steam Flouring Mill)
  • Feb. 27, 1841. Nauvoo Agriculture and Manufacturing Association. Charter issued by State. 32 Nauvoo citizens had applied for it. Purpose: "For the manufacture of flour, lumber, and such other useful articles as are necessary for the ordinary purposes of life" 2000 shares of stock @$50.00 per share authorized.
Card #176
  • White lead manufacturing. Sheets of thin lead, rolled in loose coils (1/2 in. apart) where immersed in earthen pots filled with strong vinegar. White flakes oxidized from the lead. These were scraped off after the lead was uncoiled and ground into linseed oil. (raw) // The New and Improved Practical Builder, Vol 3, London 1837.
  • Boiled Linseed Oil. 1 gal. linseed oil (raw), 1 pound litharge, 1 pound white vitrol, 1/2 pound sugar, 1/4 pound umber. Boil until think and amber in color. // The New and Improved Practical Builder, Vol 3, London 1837.
  • Nauvoo to St Louis--192 miles. // Little, From Kirtland to Salt Lake, p.35.
  • Population of Nauvoo, 1841--9000. // Beardsley, Joseph Smith & His Mormon Empire, p.234 (still under copyright).
Card #177
  • Nauvoo temple Statistics: SIZE 120 to 180 x 80 to 100 x 55 to 65 feet. Tower (spire) 55 to 180 feet. (see details below)
  • History
    1. Jan 19th, 1841: Commandment to build the Temple (D&C 124:26)
    2. Apr 11th, 1841: Cornerstones laid.
    3. Nov 8th, 1841. Basement rooms and baptismal font ready for dedication.
    4. Nov 21st, 1841. 1st Baptism performed in Temple's Temporary font.
    5. Oct 30, 1842: 1st open air meeting held ind Temple---walls were 4 feet high
    6. Sept 23, 1844. 1st capital (Sun?) stones laid
  • Size
    • 128 x 88 x 65 x 165 -- Lundwall
    • 128 x 83 x about 60 -- T & S
    • 120 x 83 x 60 -- National Magazine 1854
    • 120 x 83 x 60 -- The Mormon Puzzle 1887
    • 180 x 80 x 80 x180 -- Griffith, Historic Nauvoo, 1941
    • 140 x 100 -- W. Aitkins, England, 1845
    • 138 x 80 x nearly 200 -- RLDS Pamphlet, Salem, Mass, Advertiser, 1843.
    • 130 x 90 x 60 x 160 -- Peoria Democratic Press 1844.
    • Excavation showed 128 feet--if to scale on sides, then should be 83 feet. Ten steps led up to three vestibule doors.

Box 8, Millenial Star

Card #179
  • December 13, 1841. Willard Richards was appointed Temple Recorder, and he was to keep a record of all tithing contributions in the "Book of the Law of the Lord". Prior to this time, the Temple committee had been receiving tithes and donations.
  • Feb 14, 1842. William Clayton was called to assist W. Richards.
  • Jun 11, 1842. James Whitehead was added as an assistant to this staff.
  • H.G. Sherwoord, C.C. Rich and D. Huntington were "appointed a Committee to contract for the building of said houses for some wives of the Twelve, and that the building of said houses be paid on town lots, it was voted that the same Committee shall contract for the ploughing and fencing of the lots and that the labor be paid also in lots." // Minutes of the High Council, May 3rd, 1840, Hosea Stout, Clerk, Typescript p.32
Card #180
  • James Brattle and Joseph Webster, 1838. Ferry from Illinois (Hancock Co) to Ft Madison, Iowa. Rates same as Edward White's Ferry. // S.H. Kean, Nauvoo of the Mormon Era, p.8
  • 1837, Edward White operated a ferry near Hamilton--2 miles "above" Hamilton
  • 1838, Edward White operated a ferry near Hamilton. Extension fee for one year cost $100.00. Plus giving a bond int he amount of $500.00 to "guarantee efficient service". Fee was never paid. Rates: Each footman, 12.5 c; Single Horse: $0.25; Each man and horse: 37.5 c; Each cart or wagon with two horses or two yoke of cattle, $1.00; Additional span of cattle or horse, $.25; Each wagon and one horse, $.75; Each had of cattle, 12.5c; each hog or sheep, 6.25c.  // S.H. Kean, Nauvoo of the Mormon Era, pp.7-8
  • David Moore, who worked on many homes in Nauvoo, said the meeting of August 8, 1844 was held in the grove west of the Temple. // David Moore, "Reminiscences", BYU Library.
Card #184
  • "... flour, 2 dol 25 cents, and hundred, and will be less soon. Corn is brought into the city for 25 cents. a bushel; bacon from 7 to 8 cents. per pound; butter 10 cts.; other things in proportion." // Letter H.C. Kimball to P. P. Pratt, Nauvoo, July 15th 1840[?], published in Millenial Star, 2:78
  • "A man that works on the farm is paid a dollar per day or something equal to it, 100 cents make on dollar, and 5 dollars one English pound. If a man be employed digging potatoes, he receives one-fifth of what he digs, if he goes cutting corn he receives one eighth; for making a pair of boots (and the maker does not find the leather) they give about a dollar and a half. A pig a month or five weeks old is sold for 25 cents---a good cow about 14 dollars. Flour is baout 4 dollars and 50 cents per barrell, a barrell weighs 196 lbs; potatoes are sold for 20 cents per bushel, good beef is sold for 3 cents per lbs. // Letter, Francis Moon to Millenial Star, dated Nauvoo IL, Nov 4th, 1840, published in Millenial Star, 1:255.
Card #185
  • Transportation charges, New Orleans to Nauvoo, "will not exceed twelve to fifteen shillings per head" // Millenial Star, Aug 1842, 3:72
  • Joseph Fielding reported his party, which sailed from England in Sept 20, 1841, paid 11 shillings for passage from New Orleans to St Louis (1000 miles) // Millenial Star, Aug 1842, 3:76f.
  • For the leg from St Louis to Warsaw, Joseph Fielding's party paid "one dollar (four shillings)" // Millenial Star, Aug 1842, 3:76f.
  • Liverpool to New Orleans, 3lbs 15s to 4lbs; New Orleans to St Louis--11s; St Louis to Warsaw--$1 (4 shillings) // Millenial Star, Aug 1842, 3:76f.
  • Those under 14 half price, under one year, free. // Millenial Star, Aug 1842, 3:76f.
Card #186
  • A man offered to sell John Needham 80 acres of fenced and cultivated land, with a house, for 160 lbs; or 40 acres without the house at about 30 shillings per acre. Uncultivated land could be bought for 8s, 12s, 15s and 20s per acre. Land in the city was 200 lbs per acre, but some "can be got for 10 lbs, or 20 lbs, and so on". // Millenial Star, Oct 1843, 4:87-90.
  • Nauvoo "... a holy city and a new religious empire on the Mississippi that numbers 10,000 persons in the city, and 30,000 beyond its limits, ... and a military organization of 1500 pretty well disciplined troops" // Millenial Star, Mar 1842, 2:16, quoting article in New York Herald, Jan 19, 1842.
  • Rev Samuel A Prior's visit to Nauvoo (a Methodist minister). Warned at Carthage of bad character of the Mormons. Heard Joseph Smith speak at Macedonia. Rev Prior spoke also; Smith politely disagreed. On to Nauvoo. Amazed at the cleanliness, sobriety, etc. (Very good contrasts between Nauvoo and other towns.) // // Millenial Star, 4:105-108, reprint of Times and Seasons article.
Card #187
  • Letter H.C. Kimball to P. P. Pratt, Nauvoo, July 15th 1841, "You know there were not more than thirty buildings in the city when we left about two years ago [Autumn of 1839] but at this time there are twelve hundred, and hundreds of others in progress, which will be finished soon."  // Millenial Star, Aug 1842, 2:77
  • "The buildings are mostly temporary cabins, built of wood and are very small unfinished and inconvenient; but they are such as are generally erected in the beginning of new settlements in every part of the country, and will soon give place [[over]] to those of brick and stone. Indeed, several brick buildings are already erected, and hundreds of others are in process of erection." // Millenial Star, Aug 1842, Editorial, 2:67

St Louis Daily & Directory

Card #238
  • Law's Mill cost $15,000.00 // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, June 17, 1844.
  • Brass Wire cloth for sale by C.M. Valleau // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, May 14, 1844
Card #240
  • 1500 kegs Juniata and 600 Kegs Boston nails in store for sale by Chouteau and Valle // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, May 14, 1844
  • American rivets--tinned and black, from 8 oz to 8 lbs, for sale by C.M. Valleau // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, May 14, 1844, p.3
  • Parlor Grates, Nr1, 2 and 3; Bow-front and kitchen grates; Also a variety of Franklin Stoves, suitable for steamboats. Likewise a variety of Cooking Stoves, all of which I will sell at very reduced prices. -- Oliver Quinette // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, May 14, 1844
Card #241
  • From an interview with Mr W.P. Darnes, of St Louis Lumber Co. // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, Nov 6, 1839 
    • It appears that three saw mills are in a course of erection at the Falls [of St Croix, RCK], the largest of which belongs, in part, to D.B. Hill, Esq, Hungerford and Livingston, and W. Holcombe of this city [of St Louis, RCK]
    • The mill will be in operation April next [= 1840], and in August will be prepared to cut 40,000 feet of lumber per day. It will run from 8 to 12 saws, and has cost the company about fifty thousand dollars.
Card #242
  • Plumbing business--such as Hydrants and pipes; Bathing tubs, Lining Coffins and sinks with lead; Pumps for Wells and Cisterns --- Burd, Tilden & Burd // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, May 14, 1844, p.3
  • Stocks, Scarfs and Knots---Splendid assortment of stocks, scarfs and summer knots, of the latest styles, rec'd and for sale by M. Brown--52 Main St // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, May 14, 1844
  • Glass 8x10 10x12 10x14 12x18 12x20 24x30 White & Smith Co // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, Aug 2nd, 1938
  • Just received ... an additional supply of 10 oz Gold Foil, assorted numbers. Dentists are invited to call and examine the stock as we believe it to be superior to any in the market. -- R&J Adams Corner 4th and Market Streets // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, April 4th, 1844
Card #243
  • E Sheppard now offers for sale at his piano forte and Music Saloon [sic] three excellent French Grand Action Pianos, from the factory of Stodart, Worceter & Dunham of New York, whose instruments have obtained superiority over every other make in this country, and are equally celebrated in Europe. // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, July 22, 1839, p.4
  • Rose bushes offered for sale by Missouri and Illinois Nursery, Armstrong and Wilson, proprietors // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, May 14, 1844, p.2
  • Sperm Candles --- Fifty boxes sperm candles for sale by Greely and Gale // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, May 14, 1844, p.3
  • Sperm and Lard Oil -- very superior for sale by the barrel or gallon. Thomas Coffey // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, May 14, 1844, p.3
Card #244
  • An account of thieves breaking into a warehouse prying open the shutters of a warehouse and stealing a quantity of money // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, July 17th, 1839, Vol 1, #11
  • An account of Capt Bissell and Dr Perrins four mulberry plantations used to feed nearly 130,000 silks worms in their cacoonery [sic!], expecting three crops of worms with certainty every season, and in a more favorable years four. // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, Editorial, July 16th, 1839, p.2
    • The August 30th, 1839 editorial is still optimistic about the silk culture's future.

Card #245
  • Letter from Charles A. Foster to the St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, from June 12th, 1844, on board the steamer Osprey, relates the founding of the "Reformed Mormon Church"; letter published June 12th, 1844
    • They, last April, resolved themselves in a new Society, styled the 'Reformed Mormon Church', and appointed William Law their President." 
Card #246
  • At Nauvoo, 'a bayonet bristles at every assailable point!' Boats are not permitted to tarry, nor strangers permitted to land. The Mormon force under arms is estimated at between 2000 and 3000 men. // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, June 22nd, 1844
  • Nauvoo is said to be 'short of provisions' and an order for 250 barrels of flour, for that place, was filled in this city [of St Louis, RCK] yesterday and sent up, we are told, on the 'Osprey'. Also eight kegs of gunpowder. // St Louis Daily Evening Gazette, June 22nd, 1844
Card #249
  • 1840-1841: St Louis Industries: 2 Iron Foundries "conducted on large scale", 2 White Lead Mills, 2 Type Foundries (1 added), 1 Sugar Refinery, 2 Planing Mills, 2 Steam Flouring Mills, 1 Water Flowering Mill, River Shipping. 13 Church Buildings (No LDS). 6 Daily Papers. 1 Weekly Paper. // Keemle, St Louis Directory, 1840-1841, pp.VI-VII
  • 1840-1841 St Louis Insurance Companies [capital of $100,000 unless otherwise indicated, RCK]  // Keemle, St Louis Directory, Business Cards
    • Missouri Insurance Co of St Louis (1831)
    • St Louis Insurance Co (1836)
    • Missouri Mutual Insurance Co (1839)
    • Citizens Insurance Co of Missouri (1836)
    • St Louis PerPetual Insurance Co (capital: $300K)
    • Marine Insurance Co of St Louis
    • Farmers & Mechanics Insurance Co (1836)
    • Unions Insurance Co of St Louis
  • St Louis Gas Light Co, Capital $200K // Keemle, St Louis Directory, 1840-1841
  • St Louis population 1840 census: 16,291 in city, 6,349 in suburbs "which are in fact a part of the city" 22,640 -- "a 250% increase" since 1830 (= 6,252) // Keemle, St Louis Directory, 1840-1841, p.VI

Bibliographical Record

Nauvoo Restoration Inc, Card Index files for Nauvoo Restoration Inc, (CR 387 30).

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