Saturday, August 31, 2024

Some works of Jean Bodin

 Jean Bodin, who is this these days perhaps best known for his musings on Historiography, engaged in problems of religion and tolerance as well. His only posthumously published Conference of the Seven Wise Men on the Hidden Secrets of Sublime Things (Colloquium heptaplomeres de rerum sublimium arcanis abditis) clearly belongs into this category. It's seven speakers represent the views that Bodin was familiar with (summary by ChatGPT 3.5):

  • Coronaeus - Represents traditional Catholicism.
  • Fridericus - A Lutheran who defends Protestantism.
  • Curtius - A Calvinist, representing the Reformed tradition.
  • Torres - A Jew, offering a Jewish perspective.
  • Senamus - A skeptic, embodying the voice of doubt and questioning.
  • Salomon Barcassius - A Muslim, representing Islamic thought.
  • Octavius Fagnola - A Deist, who argues for a natural religion devoid of specific dogma.
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