Got a couple of interesting pointers in the last few days that I wanted to pickle.
Christian Marek, Rom und der Orient: Reiche, Götter, Könige, 2023.
The Austrian Broadcasting service's Series on the inner city of Vienna.
Cf. Erbe Oesterreichs 3 and some of its videos (eg Erbe Österreich: Geheimnisse der Wiener Innenstadt (1/3))
These gave pointers about the Clarissinenkloster in the Dorotheagasse, which forner French Queen Elisabeth of Austria had built in 1580 to atone for her husband's involvement in the Bartholomew Massacre.
The also commented on the fact that Palais Coburg preserves the brick-walled remains of the last piece of the old Vienna City wall, at the casemats.
The Umbrian-Old Latin parallel translated law tablets of Gubbio were already found in the 1440s: the Iguvinian Tablets (DE) (EN).
One of the earliest monastic settlements in the West were the Lerins Islands, opposite from Cannes.
There are many places in France that have ancient bapisteries worth investigating, for example, at Douhet (Charente-Maritime). One of the most famous works on this, perhaps, is Khatchatrian's Les baptistères paléochrétiens. Plans, notices et bibliographie (Paris, 1961) [private link].
Finally, the Flavian Temple of Hispellum that Constantine permitted to be constructed is really most amazing.
Finally, the Flavian Temple of Hispellum that Constantine permitted to be constructed is really most amazing.